[DFSci] Final Call for Papers - DFRWS APAC 2022 - Sept 28-30, 2022 in Adelaide, Australia

Bradley Schatz bradley at schatzforensic.com
Mon May 9 04:40:24 PDT 2022

*Digital Forensics Research Conference APAC 2022 (DFRWS APAC 2022)*

*Extended Deadline*

Submit full papers before *May 16, 2022* at 23:59 AoE
Submit presentation and workshop proposals before *June 16, 2022* at 23:59 AoE

The DFRWS-APAC 2022 Conference will be held Wednesday, September 28 through Friday, September 30 2022. The DFRWS APAC program committee are currently planning the conference as a hybrid event, with it possible for attendees and presenters to attend either virtually via Zoom or physically in Adelaide, Australia (pandemic permitting).
DFRWS invites contributions in the categories listed below. The submission details are listed below under SUBMISSION INFORMATION.

FULL RESEARCH PAPERS undergo double-blinded peer review, and the proceedings are published by Elsevier as a special issue of the Journal of Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation. We ask to submit all contributions via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=dfrwsapac2022) and follow the submission guidelines (https://dfrws.org/submission-guidelines-apac/). Details about formatting and submission guidelines are described in the submission guidelines.

PRESENTATIONS / DEMOS require a brief proposal (~500 words; not a paper). These proposals undergo a light review process to select presentations of maximal interest to DFRWS attendees, and to filter out sales pitches. Accepted presentations/demos proposals will be given a presentation slot (~25min) during the conference. Note, the presentation/demo will not be part of the published proceedings. There will be (at least) one session where participants can directly watch demos and talk to the people running them.

POSTERS allow for the presentation of current research efforts and the discussion of preliminary results with the Digital Forensics Community. Consequently, posters can include early results, a brief demonstration of a prototype or can outline research ideas. Posters will be available on the website and authors have the opportunity to present during breaks to receive feedback from the community. Note, posters will not be part of the published proceedings.

WORKSHOPS / TUTORIALS can be 2 or 4 hours (please indicate) and ideally include hands-on participation by attendees, allowing for an in-depth, detailed exploration of tools and techniques of interest to DFRWS attendees. Workshops can cover state-of-the-art research projects, useful tips and techniques for standard tools, or most anything that DFRWS attendees would consider beneficial. While commercial tools can be used, these workshops should NOT be thinly-veiled commercial advertisements. DFRWS will provide one free conference registration for each workshop accepted.

PANEL PROPOSALS should be one to three pages and clearly describe the topic, its relevance, and a list of potential panelists including their biographies (short). Panels will be evaluated based on the topic relevance and diversity of the panelists.
Submission Information

We ask you to submit all contributions via EasyChair (select the appropriate track during submission). Please make sure to follow the submission guidelines on the website (https://dfrws.org/submission-guidelines-apac/). Organizers may reject work that does not follow the listed criteria.
Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dfrwsapac2022

Topics of Interest
DFRWS welcomes new perspectives that push the envelope of what is currently possible in digital forensic. Potential topics to be addressed by submissions include, but are not limited to:
- Machine learning and data mining for digital evidence extraction/query
- Malware and targeted attacks (analysis and attribution)
- Forensics analysis and visualization of Big Data
- Non-traditional forensic scenarios / contexts
- Network and distributed system forensics
- Mobile and embedded device forensics
- Forensic analysis of cloud and virtualized environments
- Vehicle forensics (e.g., drones, cars)
- Forensic analysis of new devices (e.g., wearables)
- Forensic analysis of SCADA and ICS (industrial control systems), smart power grids
- Covert channels (e.g., TOR, VPN)
- Implanted medical devices forensics
- Smart buildings investigations and forensics
- Virtual currency investigations and forensics
- Digital forensic preparedness / readiness
- Digital investigation case management
- Digital evidence sharing and exchange
- Digital forensic triage / survey
- Digital forensic tool validation
- Event reconstruction methods and tools
- Digital evidence and the law
- Case studies and trend reports
- Anti-forensics and anti-anti-forensics

- Submission deadline for research papers, presentations and workshops: May 2, 2022.
- Author notification for full papers: June 14, 2022.

All deadlines are at the end of the stated day at 23:59 using the Anywhere on Earth (AOE) convention.

For more information, see the DFRWS APAC 2022 homepage at:

DFRWS APAC Organizing Committee
apac [at] dfrws [dot] org

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